Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  HD42004  ·  HD42051  ·  HD42115  ·  LBN 993  ·  LBN 994  ·  LBN 995  ·  LBN 999  ·  NGC 2170  ·  VdB69
NGC2170 - Angel, Anis Abdul
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NGC2170 - Angel

NGC2170 - Angel, Anis Abdul
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NGC2170 - Angel



Acquisition details



The Angel Nebula - This has been on my list for a long time and I finally got it!  I was considering widefield image of this region with faster scope given the dark structures but decided to go at it with the RC. It was a struggle to say the least with the weather. Most nights the weather gets bad after midnight - right around the point this target rises. 

I shot like 750 subs on L alone! and vast majority (like 70%) were no good. 

I also went with 5 min subs.. which in the hindsight was not a good choice. I thought it might be better with the seeing issues we have been having at my site. However, I think 10 min subs would have saved me a lot of headache with grading the subs and would have made it easier to manage.

The processing also has been among the toughest. I keep wanting to push the data and it stars to fall apart if I try to push for brighter rendition (which also shows the dust structures better). I decided to stop at moderate stretch and may be add more data next year and push it more.  This is such a beautiful region and I will be sure to keep adding data each year,

L - 240 x 5 min subs (Down from 750! A lot of them were just clouds )
R/G/B - 48x5 min subs per channel



    NGC2170 - Angel, Anis Abdul
  • Final
    NGC2170 - Angel, Anis Abdul

Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC2170 - Angel, Anis Abdul